Registered Web Site Domain of Colin Arundel 20th August 2000

Updated   15.05.2022

Cage Entrance
now a Serif WebPlus X5 site
Cage Entrance. Perhaps to Read. My Rats page 1. My Rats page 2. Visits No.1. Cages. My Rats page 4. My Rats page 3.
Yorkshire Rat Club Life-President

Covid-19 has led to the demise of many human lives.

Sadly it appears to have caused lots of members to give up interest in showing too.

Fancy Rat fanciers in Yorkshire. 14th April 2022

YRC committee proposed the YRC Club hope to merge with NFRS. Our YRC members can still meet and agree business in Yorkshire but NFRS Committee will Calendar when YRC/NFRS Shows are held. Those shows will be published in Pro-Rata.

Here’s hoping the future youngsters

with a sense of true adventure will re-form YRC as it was.

This is allowed for in the new arrangement, if membership grows in the future.

It will be hard work trying to re-build Club membership once more. I will keep this web domain with it’s YRC history of Club Shows for as long as possible, to show what fun and enjoyment we did have with our rat pals. Hoping now that our Fancy will grow strong again in the future.


To see YRC website.
Story of ‘Gift’ born alone,
Pictures with text

Any new events or information will show here

Yorkshire Rat Club Dissolution Notification   14.05.2022
Yesterday we held an EGM to discuss the proposed dissolution of Yorkshire Rat Club as per the club rules:
7. Dissolution
7.1 The Yorkshire Rat Club may, at any time, be dissolved and its assets transferred to a similar organisation by a resolution proposed by at least two-thirds of the Committee or twenty-five members (except Junior members).  An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held at a date and venue decided by the Committee within 28 days of such resolution being received.
7.2 A two-thirds majority vote of those present at the EGM is required to dissolve the Club.
The proposal has passed with a majority vote of the attendees.
As stated in the proposal, National Fancy Rat Society have agreed to host shows in the Yorkshire area with our typical show calendar at our usual pool of venues which will mean minimal impact to members - we have however had issues with venues so some additional venues need to be sourced. While the majority of our members are already members of NFRS only, those who are not and would like to receive member benefits (such as a magazine and forum access) we would recommend join the NFRS -       Sorry I had very little space for

this text       Colin      15.05.2022